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Focus Stacking: From Start to Finish
[1] Start Here (RAW Files and more)
[1.1] Welcome and how to Get the Most out of this Course
[1.2] ***** Source/RAW Files *****
[1.3] Viewing this course offline: Teachable app for iOS
[2]: How and when to shoot for focus stacking
[2.1] Learning Objectives for this section
[2.2] Field technique: Capturing images for focus stacking (8:37)
[3] RAW processing in LR
[3.1] Learning Objectives for this section
[3.2] RAW processing (13:18)
[3.3] Please let Adobe know if you'd like to focus stack RAW Smart Objects
[3.4] Using Helicon Focus (enable RAW processing AFTER stacking)
[4] Focus stacking & exposure blending in PS
[4.1] Learning Objectives for this section
[4.2] Creating the stack (10:22)
[4.3] Sharpen soft foreground detail (6:29)
[4.4] Exposure blending the sky (4:24)
[4.5] Fixing issues in the focus stack (4:20)
[5] Finishing the image
[5.1] Learning Objectives for this section
[5.2] Add light (dodge) (7:26)
[5.3] Add haze (4:51)
[5.4] Darken (burn) (4:35)
[5.5] Finishing steps (6:08)
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[5.4] Darken (burn)
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